However, on this occasion, I asked NARS Cosmetics which of their products do not contain carmine as I'm fully aware that the company uses beeswax in many of their products (which personally doesn't bother me). Here is the response I received -

Thank you for your inquiry and your interest in NARS.
Firstly, we would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry.
We woudl like to inform you that the majority of NARS products do contain the ingredient Carmine.
The skincare and complexion products do not contain Carmine (the ingredient is used to create color/pigment); however all color/makeup products such as eyeshadow, blush, multiple stick, lip gloss, etc contain the ingredient Carmine.
We remain at your disposal will you need any further information.
Kind regards,
Customer Service
NARS Cosmetics
Great news for Nars face powder users! However, it would be infinitely better if Nars could omit Carmine from the ingredients in their well-known blushes and bronzers!
What do you guys think?